Are you still not convinced our industrial bedbug heaters are the easiest and most effective solution for eradicating bedbugs?  So, you don’t have to just take our word for it, we have gathered some information to compare our industrial bedbug heaters to other common bedbug solutions.  This way you can see why our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters are the best in the industry — not only for easy set up, but also for effectiveness.

Traps vs. ERADI-FLO Heaters

Just like there are traps for catching other unwanted pests such as mice, there are also traps for bedbugs.  Bedbug traps are designed to attract bedbugs (and other unwanted pests for that matter).  While traps do catch bedbugs, they are not a permanent solution to most infestations as it is nearly impossible to catch all bedbugs and their eggs — at least in a timely manner.  Our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters, on the other hand kill ALL bedbugs in as little as one day.

Steam vs. ERADI-FLO Heaters

Another popular method for getting rid of bedbugs is with steam. A bedbug steam treatment is where you use a steamer to steam infested surfaces such as mattresses, furniture, baseboards, etc., to kill bedbugs, as well as eggs. While steam does kill bedbugs, the steam must contact the bedbug, which can be extremely time consuming, and you’re not guaranteed to encounter every bedbug in the infested room. Conversely, our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters only take a couple minutes to set up and then you can leave the room while the heaters do the dirty work for you — killing all the bedbugs while you have your hands free to get more things checked off your to-do list or to do something you love.  

BedBug Bombs vs. ERADI-FLO Heaters

Bedbug bombs, also known as bug foggers or bug bombs, is a pesticide product that is released all at once to fumigate the infested area.  While bed bug bombs can kill bedbugs, they are not very effective.  Bedbug bombs only kill bedbugs that are out where the gas can reach — if they even kill them at all.  Not only does the bed bug bomb gas not reach bed bugs hiding in nooks and crevices, but bedbugs are also becoming increasingly resistant to the active ingredient, synthetic pyrethroid. Bedbugs are not however resistant to heat, which does kill bedbugs in hard-to-reach places and makes Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters a great permanent solution for killing these unwanted pests.

Pest Control vs. Eradi-flo Heaters

While pest control is an effective solution to getting rid of bedbugs, it doesn’t come without some negative consequences.  When you call pest control, you may have to wait days before a bedbug exterminator can make it out to your establishment, not to mention when they do show up, they tend to make quite the scene.  With Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters, you can get rid of your bedbug problem immediately and discreetly, without having to pay someone else to do the job!

DiscardED Infested Items vs. eradi-flo Heaters

Just throw it away! To “get rid” of bedbugs, many people will simply throw away their infested furniture.  While throwing away infested furniture does help get rid of bedbugs to an extent, it doesn’t get rid of the bedbugs hiding in the walls and other nooks and crannies that can lay eggs and cause further infestation.  Not to mention, unknowing people may pick up your discarded furniture and the bedbugs could spread to their living quarters.  With Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters, you can keep your hard-earned furniture without worrying about spreading bedbugs to innocent individuals who think they just scored on free furniture.

Why Chemical Do Not Work!

Using chemicals has become the norm for pest control companies and other businesses. But chemicals leave behind a residue that can be hazardous when someone is exposed to too much or for too long.

In fact, in 2012 the CDC — the Center for Disease Control and Preventionissued a warning about the dangers of bedbug pesticides and the dangers that can come from using too much pesticide or exposure to these chemicals.

Chemical treatments require, on average, 2.6 visits to completely eliminate a bedbug infestation. On top of that, industry data, scientific research, entomologists, and pest control experts have confirmed that the use of chemicals and insecticides for bedbug eradication is becoming less and less effective. That’s because bedbugs and other pests have evolved, making themselves resistant to certain chemicals by growing thicker exoskeletons or walking on their hind legs to better avoid over topical powders. 

But, in many cases, using a heat treatment for bedbug eradication is effective in just one use with a median of 1.3 visits across the industry.

For years certain chemicals were successful and later discontinued or banned. Another generation of chemicals and compounds has replaced them and been used for several decades. Now entomologists are finding that bedbugs are becoming resistant to many of the commonly used chemicals. The typical suggestion is to increase the toxicity and amount of the chemicals being applied.

The genesis of most pest control companies is the chemical industry. The use of chemicals and the licensing of them for eradication has been the accepted standard process against a myriad of pests. However, that is not the case with bedbugs, according to current scientific research and field applications of chemicals

Did you know that bedbugs and other pests are building up a resistance to different extermination chemicals? This means that the chemicals need to be stronger or continually reformulated in order to keep pest problems under control. Industry data, scientific research, entomologists and pest control experts have confirmed that the use of chemicals and insecticides for bedbug eradication is becoming less and less effective.

Bedbugs are now resistant to many of the current chemicals being used, and some strains have even grown a thicker exoskeleton that prohibits chemical effectiveness. Some strains can even walk on their hind legs over topical powders so they have no effect in contacting the body.

common bedbug "solutions" vs dead bedbugz heaters

Are you still not convinced our industrial bedbug heaters are the easiest and most effective solution for eradicating bedbugs?  So, you don’t have to just take our word for it, we have gathered some information to compare our industrial bedbug heaters to other common bedbug solutions.  This way you can see why our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters are the best in the industry — not only for easy set up, but also for effectiveness.

traps vs. eradi-flo heaters

Just like there are traps for catching other unwanted pests such as mice, there are also traps for bedbugs.  Bedbug traps are designed to attract bedbugs (and other unwanted pests for that matter).  While traps do catch bedbugs, they are not a permanent solution to most infestations as it is nearly impossible to catch all bedbugs and their eggs — at least in a timely manner.  Our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters, on the other hand kill ALL bedbugs in as little as one day.

steam vs. eradi-flo heaters

Another popular method for getting rid of bedbugs is with steam. A bedbug steam treatment is where you use a steamer to steam infested surfaces such as mattresses, furniture, baseboards, etc., to kill bedbugs, as well as eggs. While steam does kill bedbugs, the steam must contact the bedbug, which can be extremely time consuming, and you’re not guaranteed to encounter every bedbug in the infested room. Conversely, our Eradi-Flo industrial bedbug heaters only take a couple minutes to set up and then you can leave the room while the heaters do the dirty work for you — killing all the bedbugs while you have your hands free to get more things checked off your to-do list or to do something you love.  

bedbug bombs vs. eradi-flo heaters

Bedbug bombs, also known as bug foggers or bug bombs, is a pesticide product that is released all at once to fumigate the infested area.  While bed bug bombs can kill bedbugs, they are not very effective.  Bedbug bombs only kill bedbugs that are out where the gas can reach — if they even kill them at all.  Not only does the bed bug bomb gas not reach bed bugs hiding in nooks and crevices, but bedbugs are also becoming increasingly resistant to the active ingredient, synthetic pyrethroid. Bedbugs are not however resistant to heat, which does kill bedbugs in hard-to-reach places and makes Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters a great permanent solution for killing these unwanted pests.

pest control vs. eradi-flo heaters

While pest control is an effective solution to getting rid of bedbugs, it doesn’t come without some negative consequences.  When you call pest control, you may have to wait days before a bedbug exterminator can make it out to your establishment, not to mention when they do show up, they tend to make quite the scene.  With Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters, you can get rid of your bedbug problem immediately and discreetly, without having to pay someone else to do the job!

discarded infested items vs. eradi-flo heaters

Just throw it away! To “get rid” of bedbugs, many people will simply throw away their infested furniture.  While throwing away infested furniture does help get rid of bedbugs to an extent, it doesn’t get rid of the bedbugs hiding in the walls and other nooks and crannies that can lay eggs and cause further infestation.  Not to mention, unknowing people may pick up your discarded furniture and the bedbugs could spread to their living quarters.  With Dead BedBugz industrial bedbug heaters, you can keep your hard-earned furniture without worrying about spreading bedbugs to innocent individuals who think they just scored on free furniture.


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